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iGEDCOM extend you family roots

Why Do Couples Often Look Alike?

When looking through your old family photos and enhancing the facial features with the MyHeritage Photo Enhancer, you might have noticed an interesting phenomenon. There…

Finding Your Ancestors with Guided Research

Wondering how to find the best places to search for your ancestors? Puzzling over where to begin and what to do next? FamilySearch is building…

Indexing in a Second Language Made Easy

Are you looking for more records to advane your family history research? If you have heritage from another country—and many people do!—chances are that just…

RootsTech Connect: What It Is and How You Can Participate

Every year, genealogists, family history enthusiasts, and industry-leading companies come together for the largest genealogy conference in the world—RootsTech. It’s truly a genealogist’s dream, with…

Discover Your French Heritage

What comes to mind when you think of France—the Eiffel tower, romance, and fashion? Or perhaps you conjure up images of the gorgeous French countryside. France has a…

Upload a Genealogical Index to Geneanet

You want to collaborate and to share your indexing works with as many people as possible? This page is for you! Source: geneanet