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Holocaust Survivor’s Rescuer Officially Recognized as Righteous Among the Nations After MyHeritage Found His Descendants

Two years ago, we shared the incredibly moving story of David Rossler, a Jewish man who was hidden from the Nazis as a child by a brave man named Georges Bourlet in Belgium. David’s son, Lionel, spent years searching for Georges and his descendants to thank them for George’s act of kindness and humanity, but was unable to make any progress until he posted in a Facebook group where Marie Cappart, our country manager for France and Belgium, read his message. Marie was able to find Georges and get in touch with his descendants, and thanks to her research, David was able to reunite with them and thank them in person in the very spot where the rescue had occurred so many years ago.

Read the full story here, and watch the video below to witness the moment David returned to the house where Georges hid him:

In his account, David’s son Lionel mentioned that he and his family were submitting their testimony to Yad Vashem in hopes that Georges Bourlet would be granted recognition as Righteous Among the Nations. We are deeply moved to share that Yad Vashem has officially issued their recognition.

The official letter of recognition from Yad Vashem

The official letter of recognition from Yad Vashem

“We have the pleasure of informing you that Yad Vashem has granted the title of ‘Righteous Among the Nations’ to Georges Bourlet, for having helped, despite its risks and perils, Jews who were persecuted during the Occupation,” reads the letter. A medal and certificate will be given to the family in the coming months, and Georges’ name will be added to the memorial wall honoring the Righteous Among the Nations at the Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem.

Georges Bourlet. Photo colorized and enhanced by MyHeritage

Georges Bourlet. Photo colorized and enhanced by MyHeritage

Georges Bourlet. Photo colorized and enhanced by MyHeritage

The recognition of Georges Bourlet as Righteous Among the Nations is an important closing of a circle, not just for me, my father, and Georges’ family, but also for the Jewish people and for humanity as a whole,” says Lionel. “Especially in these uncertain times, it is crucial to highlight the stories of those who risked everything to do what is right and protect the vulnerable. Georges’ actions served as a beacon of hope in a time of great darkness. I am deeply grateful to Yad Vashem for recognizing his heroism, and to Marie Cappart and the team at MyHeritage for making it possible. I am also very grateful to the living descendants of Georges Bourlet, who have been so kind and supportive of the idea of honoring their grandfather in this way.”

David (center) with the Bourlet descendants

David (center) with the Bourlet descendants

“Lionel was the one who gave us the news,” says Xavier Dedoncker, Georges Bourlet’s grandson. “He invited us to meet all the family, who came to his house with a barbecue outside and it was fun. One man’s act united us all here.”

“Putting your own life in danger is quite easy for many, but putting your family’s lives [at risk] is something different,” Xavier adds. “It’s easier to be a hero when you are alone. To see that people in the family did the right thing makes us proud. In such times you had to fight back, to do something.”

We are humbled and honored to have played a role in the recognition of Georges as Righteous Among the Nations, and hope that his example will shine forth through the generations, inspiring many more people to do the right thing in the face of evil.

The post Holocaust Survivor’s Rescuer Officially Recognized as Righteous Among the Nations After MyHeritage Found His Descendants appeared first on MyHeritage Blog.

Source: My Heritage

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