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iGEDCOM extend you family roots

The Music in Your Genes

Families have been making music together since long before the von Trapps and the Jackson 5. It’s not uncommon for an accomplished musician to have…

Meet the German and Slavic Research Team!

Many who have looked into tracing their German or Slavic family lines have quickly learned that they have their work cut out for them. Germany…

The Hopping History of German Breweries in Yorkville

New York’s German-owned breweries were once the largest beer-making operations in the country, and the brewers themselves grew into regional and national power-players, transforming Major…

Discover Fun Facts about Yourself

Most of us know what it’s like to scramble for something interesting to say when someone asks the classic question, “Tell me something about yourself.”…

Meet the Latin America Research Team!

Latin American research presents a variety of challenges, especially if you can’t understand the different languages that the records are written in. Thankfully, the Family…

Brazilian Food—Authentic Recipes

Ah, Brazil—a truly special country! Many Brazilians have left Brazil, but Brazil has never left them. Our culture, our music, our language are well-liked all…