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iGEDCOM extend you family roots

Unearthing Scotland’s First Railway Track at Tranent

An extensive archaeological excavation of Scotland’s first railway track is planned for next year. Wooden rails from the 297-year-old Tranent-Cockenzie Waggonway were uncovered in a…

Are You Related To January Jones?

January Jones was born on January 5, 1978, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She is named after January Wayne, a character in Jacqueline Susann’s potboiler…

Convincing a Relative to Take a DNA Test

A: As more and more genealogists are taking advantage of DNA testing in their family history, our databases are growing and more mysteries are marked…

Getting Started with the Irish Census

As family historians, we love census records. They provide a snapshot of people and their families and communities over time. They can give us clues…

#HolidayHeritage Challenge Week #4 

There has been tremendous buzz around our Holiday Heritage Challenge. We’ve received some fantastic entries of holiday memories from years gone by. We hope it’s…

Are You Related to British Royalty?

It’s a question that nearly everyone asks at least once: “Do I have royal blood?” If you have British ancestors, there’s a chance that you…