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iGEDCOM extend you family roots

13 Common Genealogy Questions, Answered

How do I start researching my genealogy? Where does my last name come from? What does it mean? What is the best way to make…

MyHeritage Global DNA Sale is On!

We’re less than a hundred days away from the holidays, and it’s the perfect time to start thinking about gifts. For those looking for something…

4 Ways US Census Records Can Fool You

Hands down, the most-common problem I’ve heard from genealogists throughout the years is “I can’t find my ancestor in the census.” Though censuses might have…

Profile of the Day: Olivia Newton-John

Today we remember singer and actress Olivia Newton-John on what would have been her 75th birthday. Image: Olivia Newton-John / Nationaal Archief, CC0 Newton-John was…

Profile of the Day: William Faulkner

Remember reading The Sound of the Fury? Today we remember author William Faulkner, who was born on this day in 1897. Image: William Faulkner / Library of…